Download 2025 BCM Information Packet

16′ x 20′ – Three-room home with loft, $10,500
In just one weekend, your mission team of ten to fifteen people can construct a 16′ x 20 ′ weatherproof home built to last and offers families shelter for many years. Regardless of your skills, gender, or age, there’s a role for everyone to contribute!

  • Baja Christian Ministries (BCM) provides a concrete foundation and construction materials
    • All lumber is pre-cut and marked for ease of construction
    • Home Exteriors feature: an asphalt shingles roof, siding with trim, paint, four windows, metal security door, and locks
    • Home Interiors include drywall, mud, electrical outlets & switches, light fixtures, and paint
  • Furniture Package, $2,100
  • Bunk bed and mattress, & full bed and mattress,  stove kit, kitchen table, and four chairs
  • 4’ x 4’ Latrine, $2,100
    • Most developing communities don’t have sewer systems, and a latrine is a necessary


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      • Full House Insulation, $1,200
      • Ceiling drywall with Ceiling Fan, $300
      • Interior paint for mission team installation, $200
      • Interior finish- BCM will sand drywall and paint the interior, $500
      • Refrigerator, $500
      • Special Building Projects, such as church buildings, classrooms, and playgrounds, are possible.  (contact the office to discuss specific projects)


Acts 20:20 Evangelism, $350 per outreach
BCM and the mission teams conduct door-to-door invitations for community members to attend a gathering to receive the “Good News.” Attendees are offered complimentary copies of both the Bible and the Purple Book. What is the Bible & Purple Book Program?

Once the group has assembled, we prompt missionary team participants to share a “two-minute miracle” or personal testimony illustrating the impact of Jesus on their lives. Following this, the Gospel is shared, and we extend an invitation to receive prayer. After outreach, BCM works with local pastors and leaders who follow up with community members.


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  • Project Open Storehouse, $30 per food kit, a minimum of 10 kits @ $300.  During the lockdowns of 2020, we initiated an urgent food assistance initiative to support needy families. This initiative has since been maintained, providing essential supplies to numerous families near our housing projects. This approach effectively cultivates community involvement and promotes the gospel’s message. We work closely with the families we aid, coordinating gatherings and utilizing the backing of local church leaders for outreach activities.
  • Fiesta / Clown Show and BMX Show with Hot Dogs, Tamales, or Tacos for 150 people (vary)
  • Special Outreach, Liaison, or help fund another BCM Program (vary)


Mission House Facilities
Note: BCM doesn’t own or operate these facilities, and each facility sets prices and is subject to change.  If any of these options are already booked, we have other accommodations for your team to consider.

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“Connections House” (Close to the mall)
Location: Rosarito
Accommodates: 40 people
Parking: for approximately three vehicles and street parking
Amenities: bathrooms, showers, large meeting room, game room, basketball court,  outside deck & firepit
Catering: $6 a meal
Cost: $20 per person per night

Contact Kristi at ****

“Rancho Don Fermin” (Closest to our build sites and most affordable)
Location: In the eastern outskirts of Tijuana
Accommodates: 100 people
Parking: for approximately 40 vehicles
Amenities: 12 bathrooms, showers, two kitchens with stove, oven, and refrigerator; you must bring your own pots, pans, dishes, and utensils.
Catering: Available if desired
Cost: $11 per person per night

“Rancho la Paloma” (Close to build sites)
Location: In the western outskirts of Tecate
Accommodates: 125 people
Parking: for approximately 45 vehicles
Amenities: bathrooms, showers, outdoor pool
Catering: Rancho la Paloma requests that you use their catering and do not use the kitchen.
Cost: Check Prices online


Hotel Facilities
Note: Hotel prices may vary depending on the exchange rate. If any of these options are already booked, we have other accommodations for your team to consider.

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“City Express Rosarito” (In mall)
Location: Mall in Rosarito
Accommodates: 300 people
Parking: for approximately 70 vehicles
Amenities: complimentary breakfast, individual bathrooms, showers, in-house restaurant, nearby mall, restaurants and taco stands, pool,
Catering: Available from the hotel
Cost: $85-90 ** per night, up to 4 adults per room, additional cost for extra people.

“Hotel Estancia” (Can accommodate very large groups)
Location: Tecate
Accommodates: 200 people
Parking: for approximately 60 vehicles
Amenities: individual bathrooms, showers, nearby restaurants and taco stands, pool, game room
Catering: Onsite Restaurants and large group catering are available
Cost: $94 ** per night, up to 2 people per room (additional cost for more people)

“Rosarito Inn” (Condo style accommodations with ocean views)
Location: on the sandy shores of Rosarito Beach
Accommodates: 400+ people
Parking: for approximately 100 vehicles

** Note: Hotel prices may vary depending on the exchange rate. In case any of these options are already booked, we can offer alternative accommodations for your team to consider.


BCM partners with the wonderful family-owned restaurant La Especial, run by Robert and Laura. Their menu offers breakfast at $11, lunch at $11, and dinner at $12. Additionally, they are equipped to cater to significant events, having successfully served up to 500 guests at a rate of $9.00 per person.

Transportation Options
Vehicle Insurance
American insurance policies are not valid in Mexico. It’s essential to secure insurance coverage specifically for your vehicles through Mexican Auto Insurance. Baja Bound is an online company dedicated to providing Mexican auto insurance policies. Additionally, they have pledged to contribute to BCM if you utilize this link:   Baja Bound 

Rental Vehicles
We suggest Sun Diego Car Rentals. Let them know you were referred through Baja Christian Ministries.

Special Transportation Options
BCM offers transportation charter services for large groups throughout the mission trip, facilitating US and Mexico transportation arrangements.

Other Vehicles
If you plan to utilize additional vehicles such as trailers, RVs, or box trucks, please notify us in advance so that we can verify their compliance with Mexican Customs regulations.

Sample Budget

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20 PPLUnitsCostExt.
Furniture Package1$2000$2000
Outreach to Community1$300$300
Connection House Lodging - $20
Food Cost: (F-Sun) 5 Meals20$100$2000
Van Rental3$250$750
Per Person$795


Tools List
We advise each team to bring the items specified in the Basic Tool List. If any team member is a foreman or has handyman skills, please review and provide items from Foreman Tool List, which covers “Small Tools, Large Tools, and Power Tools”

For TeamEveryone
First Aid KitFraming hammer
5 Painters kitsWork gloves
Electrical wire stripperCanvas work apron
Flat and phillips screwdrivers
4 mud pans
2- 6" & 2-10" drywall spatulas
Foreman "Small Tools"
2 Speed SquaresHammer Tacker
2 Tape Measures1 Box ⅜” Staples
2 Chalk Lines with Blue Chalk2 Tin Snips
Level2 Utility knives
Pro “Claw Nail” Puller Drywall T-Square
Adjustable WrenchDrywall Utility Saw
Ratcheting Socket WrenchBroom and Dustpan
Deep Socket ¾”Magnetic Pick-Up Tool
Coil Roofing Nailers2 Folding Saw Horse
Foreman- "Large Tools"
4" Ladder
6" Ladder
16" Extension ladder
13" Aluminum work plank
Foreman "Power Tools and Compressor"
Reciprocating saw/ bladesDrywall screw setter bit
Hammer Drill2 Cordless fuel framing nailer
Wood boring bit ⅞"2" & 3" framing nails
Hole saw 4”
Framing fuel
Saw arborRouter and bit
2 Impact DriversCut out tool
Generator2 PVC Air house ⅜’x 50’
Air Compressor2 Coil Roofing Nailers
1 Box ⅞” Roofing Nails1 Box ⅞” Roofing Nails
16 Gauge Finish Nails

What to Bring to Mexico

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  • Passport or Passport Card
  • Wear suitable construction work attire, including sturdy shoes and a hat.
  • Bottled water (average 1 gallon per day)
  • Food for meals and snacks (consider catering options)
  • Cash (preferably in small US dollar denominations – exchanging into pesos is not necessary)
  • Sunscreen, lip balm, and any necessary personal medications
  • If staying at a bunkhouse
    • Overnight accessories, i.e., towels, flashlights, etc.
    • Sleeping bag and pillow
  • Kitchen Items
    • Dishes, pots, pans, cups, and eating utensils
    • Broom and dustpan
    • Candles and candle holders
  • Hygiene
    • Towels
    • Toiletries
  • Kids Gifts
    • Small gifts for kids such as crayons/coloring books
    • Sports equipment and toys (purchase in Mexico only)


Distributing Items in the Communities
Kindly notify Baja Christian Ministries of any additional items your team wishes to distribute. Please be aware that used items such as toys and clothes may encounter issues at border crossings and are not allowed. If items are deemed permissible, we will follow the appropriate importation procedures. Typically, the importation cost of items is around 16% of their value, though we may be able to reduce costs if they are received as donations in Mexico. Please discuss this matter with us beforehand.

Clearing Mexican Customs
Mexico technically mandates a minimum 7-day tourist visa or longer for border entry. However, recent travelers who have driven across report that Mexico customs seldom request this documentation. Conversely, if you opt to walk across the border, Mexican customs will require you to obtain this 7-day tourist visa. If you plan to stay longer than seven days, getting a 180-day tourist visa is necessary.

Temporary Importation of Items

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If your group is large and plans to bring more personal items than suggested on the What to Bring list, Baja Christian Ministries may assist you in obtaining a temporary import permit from Mexico Customs. Depending on the border agent’s interpretation of Mexican customs laws, they may impose a 16% charge on certain items. To facilitate this process, you must provide Baja Christian Ministries with a list of these items at least one week before your border entry, including the following details:

  • Number of people and duration of stay in Mexico
  • The purpose of your team’s activities in Mexico is to justify the temporary importation.
  • Detailed manifest of items your team will bring into Mexico and the intended purpose of the trip
  • Manifest of vehicles your team will bring into Mexico, including vehicle information and driver licenses


Things to Remember while in Mexico

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20 PPLUnitsCostExt.
Furniture Package1$2000$2000
Outreach to Community1$300$300
Connection House Lodging - $20
Food Cost: (F-Sun) 5 Meals20$100$2000
Van Rental3$250$750
Per Person$795

  • Cultural Differences
  • Stay within your caravans unless you are very familiar with your surroundings.
  • If you separate from the group, pull over at the first opportunity and do not turn onto a different street. Someone will come back for you, so do not assume you know where the group went.
  • Please avoid straying from the group unless you have arranged with our staff or your group leaders to leave for evangelizing, shopping, or other essential activities.
  • Kindly heed any instructions provided by BCM team members. Their guidance is solely for your safety and to enhance the quality of your trip.
  • Upon arrival at the worksite, park all vehicles as close to the worksite as possible. Lock all doors, close all windows, and hide all valuables. If unable to park close or have a large group of vehicles, it is strongly advised to assign two people in one-hour shifts to keep watch over the cars. Remember that items like backpacks, cameras, purses, and tools entice potential thieves.
  • Kindly refrain from allowing local children to play in your vehicles with your kids or yourselves, as this could tempt them and potentially lead to break-ins.
  • Mission House/Hotels:
    • Avoid consuming water from any faucets, including while showering or brushing your teeth. Use bottled water.
    • Dispose of all toilet paper in the trash, not in the toilet. This applies to most establishments you visit, including restaurants and stores.


Crossing Back into the United States

  • Ensure you have all passports readily accessible and not stored in a bag tucked away.
  • Remember, bringing meats, nuts, fruits, and vegetables back into the United States is prohibited. This list is subject to weekly changes. We suggest consuming or giving away these items to the family you’ve assisted.
  • Declare any purchases made while in Mexico. For more information, visit the Clearing USA Customs link provided.

Payments to BCM
Baja Christian Ministries California operates as a 501c3 nonprofit organization. We will provide an invoice outlining the expected costs for all projects. It’s important to note that circumstances may sometimes lead to changes in these costs. However, we make every effort to maintain consistent project costs throughout the year and provide advance notice of any significant changes whenever possible. All overnight facility expenses will be managed through BCM via an invoice. Please be aware that BCM does not own the facilities your team utilizes.

Team Checklist

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  • 3-12 months prior
    • Team Leader Fills Out Online Sign-Up
    • Mission House and Hotel Rooms Booked
  • 2 months prior
    • Transportation Booked
    • Deposit for concrete foundation paid
  • 1 month prior
    • All invoice payments for build costs paid
  • 2 weeks prior
    • Group size finalized for accommodation bookings and travel insurance
    • Arrangements made if crossing with more than the What to Bring List and Basic Tools
    • Consent to Travel is Notarized for all minors traveling without a parent
    • All invoice payments are made for accommodations and transportation
    • Auto Insurance Purchased
    • Online Waiver/Integrity Form Signed


Team Coordination/Extension Guide
Your group will be assigned a BCM coordinator to oversee trip logistics. While in Mexico, BCM team members will aid in construction and navigation, but continuous availability cannot be guaranteed. If your team needs extra guidance, an extension guide may be arranged for an additional fee.

Communication while in Mexico
Ensure that at least two team members have roaming packages for dependable cell service in Mexico. This ensures uninterrupted communication with the BCM team and efficient navigation using Google Maps and Waze.

Letter of Consent to Travel
Minors are not allowed in Mexico, by law, without a parent or a legal guardian. As a group leader, you become the guardian of all minors in your group, making you legally responsible for their actions. Mexican Law requires the Letter of Consent to Travel and must be notarized before arrival and carried for the entire stay in Mexico.  Download Form